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5 Ways Ebook

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Common price: $19.99 Our price: $16.99 each

In marketing, it’s not what you spend, but how you spend it.  Yet every year owners of small and growing businesses waste billions (that’s with a “B”) of dollars in ineffective marketing.

Generating or increasing referrals is a way to work smart, rather than hard. Some people claim they acquire virtually all of their business through referrals, and their marketing strategies ensure their continuation.

Others can’t seem to generate more than 10 or 20% of their business in this manner; often, it’s not very surprising, when you look at how they approach marketing.

Where is your company, practice or organization, as far as referrals are concerned? Does most of your business come in via referrals? Do you receive a fair number, but would like more; or are you frustrated in your attempts to build an “outside” sales team?

Whatever your circumstance, this ebook will give you some tips to grow your business through a marketing strategy that all too many people ignore.

Stop procrastinating!  It’s time to grow your business!